Azuki is a collection of 10,000 unique avatars that grant membership access to "The Garden," a community aimed at artists, builders, and web3 enthusiasts to collaboratively create a decentralized future. These avatars serve as a digital identity within the community, fostering a platform for creativity and decentralised collaboration.
Azuki operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilising smart contracts to bring its functionalities to life. The project incorporates a token standard called Physical Backed Token (PBT), which links a physical item with a digital token on the Ethereum network. This technology allows for the decentralized authentication of ownership and is pivotal to its operations within the ecosystem.
Azuki offers numerous potential use cases, including:
Real-world applications include NFT collections, such as Fantasy Arena's EDITION 1 for gaming and the Crypto Millionaire Ape Club's NFTs. The partnership with IPX has also expanded Azuki's reach into both Web3 and Web2 environments.
Azuki was launched by Chiru Labs, a team of Los Angeles-based artists and developers, on January 12, 2022. The team consists of Zagabond, HoshiBoy, Location Tba, and 2pm.flow. The initial release was a sale of 8,700 avatars via Dutch Auction, selling out quickly and generating significant revenue. Azuki's journey has been marked by successful sales, high secondary market values, and significant milestones such as the introduction of companion NFTs like Beanz. Despite some controversies concerning its founder, Azuki has maintained a robust community and significant market presence, evolving into a larger decentralised and community-managed brand.
The DokiDokiAzuki price is $0.00530532 AUD, representing a -1.92% from the day prior.
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The trading volume of DokiDokiAzuki (AZUKI) is $2 AUD in the last 24hrs, representing a -1.92% from the day prior.
DokiDokiAzuki (AZUKI) can be purchased on Coinstash with AUD or by trading other cryptocurrencies for it. Coinstash offers various AUD deposit methods including bank transfers, POLi and PayID.
The current market cap of DokiDokiAzuki (AZUKI) is $131.6K AUD.
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The current circulating supply of DokiDokiAzuki (AZUKI) is 25.4M.
Yes - Coinstash is one of Australia's safest and most trusted platforms for buying and selling DokiDokiAzuki (AZUKI) and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstash's industry-leading security practices provide the highest level of protection for your investments. Coinstash is licensed, compliant and AUSTRAC registered in Australia. You can learn more about our security practices.