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Common Bitcoin and Crypto Myths Debunked

authorBy Chris Graham
Published 06:48 Apr 28, 2023
Last update 07:23 Jan 22, 2024
7 Min Read
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As the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies continue to grow and experience increased global adoption, there's no better time to debunk the most prevalent myths and misconceptions about this rapidly evolving industry. If you've ever believed that Bitcoin has no intrinsic value or that cryptocurrencies are too volatile to serve any practical purpose, this guide is for you. Join us as we debunk the most common Bitcoin and crypto myths, separating the fact from fiction and revealing the signal from the noise.

Top 5 Myths about Bitcoin

Myth #1: Bitcoin is a Bubble

Many critics argue that Bitcoin (BTC) is a bubble, destined to burst and leave investors with significant losses. While it's true that some people invest in Bitcoin speculatively, seeking considerable returns, that doesn't automatically make Bitcoin a Bubble.

Although Bitcoin has experienced volatile price fluctuations throughout its 14-year history, it has consistently demonstrated resilience and an ability to bounce back. Bitcoin has weathered every boom and bust price cycle it has encountered to achieve new all-time highs.

Many Bitcoin enthusiasts see these price cycles as a natural feature rather than a bug, arguing that such boom and bust cycles are typical of emerging markets. Price cycles are common with new technologies as they undergo a process of price discovery, where the market determines their true worth. Similar patterns were evident with the internet and the dot-com era in the nineties.

As Bitcoin continues to evolve and gain wider adoption worldwide, supporters expect less dramatic price swings and longer intervals between them, resulting in a more stable price in the future.

Recommended Reading: Crypto Market Cycles Explained

Myth #2: Bitcoin has No Real-world Use Case

Some critics claim that Bitcoin lacks real-world utility or that it is primarily used for illicit activities. However, these claims are far from the truth. Bitcoin has a well-established history as a medium of exchange and a means of making global payments without the need for banks or payment processors as intermediaries. Moreover, it has gained traction as an inflation-resistant store of value, similar to gold, among institutional investors.

Since its inception, the value of Bitcoin has experienced a highly appreciative growth trajectory. Many of its proponents advocate for Bitcoin as ‘Digital Gold’ due to its similar characteristics, namely its scarce supply and durability.

A growing list of prominent funds and publicly traded companies, such as Tesla, Square, and MicroStrategy, have invested millions or even billions of dollars in Bitcoin as a strategic asset management approach in recent years. Moreover, small countries such as El Salvador have even made Bitcoin legal tender. 

While it's true that some individuals misuse Bitcoin, its illicit use pales in comparison to that of the US dollar. A recent report by Chainalysis shows that illicit activity accounted for only 2.1% of Bitcoin transactions in 2019. Furthermore, since all Bitcoin transactions occur on a transparent blockchain, tracking illicit activities is often easier for authorities compared to the traditional financial system.

Recommended Reading: What is Bitcoin (BTC)? A Beginner’s Guide

Myth #3: Bitcoin Doesn’t Have Real Value

Critics argue that Bitcoin lacks intrinsic value as it is not backed by a physical asset like gold. However, the same case could be made for the US dollar or virtually any other modern fiat currency. 

Bitcoin's value is derived from its unique properties, such as decentralisation, security, and digital scarcity. Bitcoin is hard-coded to be scarce, with a 21 million coin supply hard-cap, which helps make it resistant to inflation. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed infinitely at the whim of their governments and banks.

Not only is the supply capped, but the amount of new Bitcoin being mined is declining over time in a predictable way. The issuance rate is cut in half approximately every four years, in an event known as ‘the halving’. This deflationary supply schedule has worked to keep the price of Bitcoin broadly trending upwards over the long-term since its creation.

For a more in-depth view, read our article: How to Buy Bitcoin (BTC) Easily in Australia

Myth #4: Bitcoin will be Replaced by a Competitor

Bitcoin stands as the world’s first and most widely recognised cryptocurrency. While thousands of cryptocurrencies have emerged with the promise of replacing Bitcoin with innovative new features or advantages, none have succeeded in dethroning the king. But why?

Bitcoin's first-mover advantage and extensive network effect make it highly resilient against being replaced in the near future. It remains the most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap and enjoys widespread popularity, accounting for around 45% of the entire crypto market, at the time of writing.

Indeed, it's nearly impossible to replicate the unique circumstances surrounding Bitcoin's creation, its story, and distinctive features. While it's possible that other digital assets may expand their market share relative to Bitcoin and potentially overtake it, developing a superior version of Bitcoin that retains its one-of-a-kind features as a digital store of value seems highly unlikely in the near future.

Recommended Reading: Bitcoin Dominance Explained

Myth #5: Bitcoin is Bad for the Environment

Environmental sustainability has been a key topic in the ongoing debates over Bitcoin (BTC) mining, with many critics questioning the energy consumption of the biggest cryptocurrency in the world. However, recent research has indicated that the reality is very different from the perception shared by the media.

A considerable portion of Bitcoin's Proof of Work (POW) relies on renewable energy sources, such as wind, hydro, and solar power. Recent research has shown that the Bitcoin mining industry uses 58.9% sustainable energy in its operations. 

It can even be argued that the economic incentives intrinsic to Bitcoin mining are driving sustainable energy innovation, as miners constantly strive to boost profits by reducing electricity expenses—in a world where renewable energy is swiftly becoming the most cost-effective option. The industry is increasingly seeking greener energy sources and more efficient crypto mining methods.

Bitcoins energy consumption and carbon footprint cannot be examined in a vacuum. It's important to consider Bitcoin's relative energy consumption against the industries with which it is competing, like the traditional financial systems and gold. Research by New York-based Ark Investment Management reveals that "Bitcoin is much more efficient than traditional banking and gold mining on a global scale."

Top 5 Crypto Myths and Misconceptions

Myth #1: Cryptocurrencies are Only Used for Illicit and Criminal Activities

One long-standing and widespread myth surrounding digital currencies is their association with illegal activities. The perceived anonymity and decentralised nature of crypto have given rise to concerns that they facilitate criminal activity. However, neither blockchain nor cryptocurrencies are inherently illicit, just as fiat currencies aren't inherently illicit despite sometimes being used for illegal purposes. All monetary assets and technologies, including cash, the internet, social media, and mobile phones, have the capacity to be used for both good and bad purposes.

In reality, the majority of crypto transactions are carried out for legitimate and legal purposes. In fact, according to Chainalysis—a company that assists investigators in cryptocurrency crimes with blockchain data analysis— in 2022, a mere 0.24% of all cryptocurrency transaction volume was linked to illicit activities.

Myth #2: Digital Currencies Are a Scam

Cryptocurrencies have gained acceptance as a valid means of exchange among many retailers and merchants. Individuals are using them for personal transactions, and governments are working on ways to regulate them. Most cryptocurrencies do not have programming, code, or malicious intent designed to swindle money from users.

However, scams do exist in the cryptocurrency world, as they do in any other financial investment area. These scams are less about the assets themselves and more about the individuals involved – the deceitful fraudster and the unsuspecting victim. For instance, social media giveaways, phishing, romance scams and ICO rug pulls have become increasingly popular. 

Despite the presence of scams, the vast majority of cryptocurrency transactions are legitimate, and regulatory enforcement continues to evolve to protect users and consumers. It's essential to remember that the potential for scams in the crypto world is not a reflection of the nature of cryptocurrencies themselves but rather the actions of malicious individuals exploiting the system.

For a more in-depth view, read our article: 5 Common Crypto Scams and How to Avoid Them

Myth #3: Cryptocurrencies aren’t Secure

Cryptocurrencies are built on the foundation of blockchain technology, a distributed database secured with advanced encryption techniques. As transactions occur, they are added to the blockchain, which consists of a series of connected blocks. A network of automated systems validates the transaction data, making it extremely difficult to change the information and "steal" cryptocurrency.

The real vulnerability lies in how cryptocurrency is accessed and stored, such as in cryptocurrency wallets or centralised exchanges that facilitate transactions. While sending cryptocurrency between users is secure, the platforms and software used to store and access it can be hacked or tampered with. Hence, it's crucial to choose a reliable and trusted cryptocurrency exchange like Coinstash.

Recommended Reading: Crypto Dollar Cost Averaging Explained

Myth #4: Cryptocurrencies are mainly used for speculative gambling

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have experienced significant price volatility over the last decade, which has led some critics to label them as purely speculative assets. However, this volatility is a natural feature of new and emerging markets rather than a flaw in the crypto market.

As an asset class, cryptocurrencies are still in their early stages of rapid growth, with many cryptocurrency assets being relatively young and still in the process of price discovery. This means that the market is working to determine their fair value, which can lead to price fluctuations.

While certain aspects of thecrypto ecosystem are used for speculation, much of the underlying technology is reshaping the financial system as we know it. Cryptocurrencies enable various types of payments for goods and services, including micropayments, peer-to-peer transactions and cross-border payments. Projects like Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) and Binance (BNB) also support use cases such as lending, yield generation, and the buying and selling of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). By providing basic financial services to unbanked or underbanked individuals, cryptocurrencies can be a powerful force for financial inclusion and equity.

Recommended Reading: Crypto Market Volatility Explained

Myth #5: Cryptocurrencies are a passing Fad

There was a time when computers, the internet, and email were mere curiosities for tech enthusiasts. Fast forward to today, and they've become indispensable in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. The next few decades for cryptocurrencies might be hard to predict, but the impact of the technology they've introduced is undeniable.

In fact, the adoption of cryptocurrency has outpaced even the internet, which was previously the fastest-adopted technology in history. Far from being a fleeting trend, Bitcoin and the broader crypto space have not only survived but thrived for 14 years, establishing formidable network effects. While it remains to be seen if cryptocurrencies will completely replace traditional currencies, their ongoing evolution is evident. The emergence of DeFi applications, NFTs, stablecoins, and regulatory advancements all signal a promising future for the world of cryptocurrencies.

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Top 5 Myths about Bitcoin

Top 5 Crypto Myths and Misconceptions

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