Berry Data is a transparent and community-verified price oracle on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It provides a trustless, decentralised alternative for acquiring off-chain data, which is essential for enabling decentralised applications to securely query external sources.
Berry Data operates as a decentralised oracle system built on the Binance Smart Chain. It uses a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to secure data submissions. Data types are grouped every three minutes, creating PoW challenges that miners compete to solve. Successful miners are rewarded with newly minted tokens and accumulated service fees, which ensures the accuracy and security of the data added to the on-chain databank. The Berry Data smart contract manages this process, ensuring the integrity of data handling and miner incentivisation.
Berry Data can be effectively utilised in various sectors:
Berry Data was founded by a team comprising developers and operations experts with the aim of creating a decentralised price oracle on BSC. It launched as an open-source oracle platform, allowing requests for off-chain data values, which miners can validate and add to an on-chain databank. The BRY token serves as a governance token fostering development within the DeFi ecosystem on the BSC. Berry Data's technological evolution includes its PoW challenge mechanic for data submission, making it a vital player in providing decentralised data solutions. The project is recognised on platforms like CoinMarketCap for its market presence.
The Berry Tributes price is $0.03468656 AUD, representing a +2.78% from the day prior.
The best place to buy Berry Tributes (BRY) in Australia is right here! Coinstash is one of Australia's leading and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges. Built by investors, for investors - Coinstash offers a secure and user-friendly platform to buy and sell Berry Tributes (BRY) and over 1,000 other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy low fees, excellent customer support and access to an array of powerful trading tools and investing features.
The trading volume of Berry Tributes (BRY) is $151 AUD in the last 24hrs, representing a +2.78% from the day prior.
Berry Tributes (BRY) can be purchased on Coinstash with AUD or by trading other cryptocurrencies for it. Coinstash offers various AUD deposit methods including bank transfers, POLi and PayID.
The current market cap of Berry Tributes (BRY) is $216.9K AUD.
Yes - With Coinstash you can convert your Berry Tributes (BRY) to AUD instantly. You can also withdraw AUD to your Australian bank account instantly and for free with no withdrawal fees.
The current circulating supply of Berry Tributes (BRY) is 6.4M.
Yes - Coinstash is one of Australia's safest and most trusted platforms for buying and selling Berry Tributes (BRY) and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstash's industry-leading security practices provide the highest level of protection for your investments. Coinstash is licensed, compliant and AUSTRAC registered in Australia. You can learn more about our security practices.