Helmet Insure is a peer-to-peer price-shield insurance protocol that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It is designed to protect users in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space from the risks associated with price volatiltiy. The protocol facilitates this by allowing users to create and participate in insurance policies for various cryptocurrency assets.
Helmet Insure uses smart contracts to manage the creation and trading of its insurance policies. Users can create policies for any crypto asset, using a market-oriented approach that avoids intricate mathematics. The platform provides two types of policies—SHORT Tokens and LONG Tokens. These policies provide a structured method for managing risk against price fluctuations in DeFi trading. Helmet Insure also incorporates a mining component within its hedging tool, which is leveraged for yield farming activities.
Helmet Insure’s primary use case is to offer a mechanism for hedging against price volatility in DeFi trading. It allows traders and investors to insure against price drops of cryptocurrencies they hold. Additionally, the protocol’s structure is conducive to integration with various cryptocurrency exchanges and DeFi platforms, where it can serve as an enhancement to risk management strategies. Furthermore, the yield farming component adds value by providing opportunities for generating additional income through insurance policy-related activities.
Helmet Insure was launched in January 2021 on the Binance Smart Chain. Shortly after, in March 2021, it received strategic funding from Binance, bolstering its position within the DeFi sector. Since its inception, Helmet Insure has continued to offer its unique insurance framework for cryptocurrency assets, focusing on increasing the accessibility and ease of use of insurance policy trading in the DeFi landscape.
The Helmet Insure price is $0.00613094 AUD, representing a -0.47% from the day prior.
The best place to buy Helmet Insure (HELMET) in Australia is right here! Coinstash is one of Australia's leading and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges. Built by investors, for investors - Coinstash offers a secure and user-friendly platform to buy and sell Helmet Insure (HELMET) and over 1,000 other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy low fees, excellent customer support and access to an array of powerful trading tools and investing features.
The trading volume of Helmet Insure (HELMET) is $53 AUD in the last 24hrs, representing a -0.47% from the day prior.
Helmet Insure (HELMET) can be purchased on Coinstash with AUD or by trading other cryptocurrencies for it. Coinstash offers various AUD deposit methods including bank transfers, POLi and PayID.
The current market cap of Helmet Insure (HELMET) is $254.3K AUD.
Yes - With Coinstash you can convert your Helmet Insure (HELMET) to AUD instantly. You can also withdraw AUD to your Australian bank account instantly and for free with no withdrawal fees.
The current circulating supply of Helmet Insure (HELMET) is 42.5M.
Yes - Coinstash is one of Australia's safest and most trusted platforms for buying and selling Helmet Insure (HELMET) and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstash's industry-leading security practices provide the highest level of protection for your investments. Coinstash is licensed, compliant and AUSTRAC registered in Australia. You can learn more about our security practices.