PARSIQ is a blockchain connectivity layer and development platform that enables real-time data transfer between on-chain and off-chain applications. It facilitates the integration of blockchain data into various applications through features such as Smart Triggers, ParsiQL, and APIs designed for seamless data exchange.
PARSIQ operates as an intermediary platform that connects blockchain events to external applications using Smart Triggers. It uses a proprietary language, ParsiQL, and APIs like the Tsunami API to create workflows and automate processes based on blockchain data. The platform supports multiple blockchains and uses AI and machine learning for enhanced data processing capabilities.
Potential use cases for PARSIQ include monitoring and automation in DeFi applications, real-time data provision for blockchain games, improving user experiences in blockchain app stores, and facilitating secure and scalable data integration. It can be employed in sectors such as financial services, gaming, and app development to connect blockchain data with traditional applications.
PARSIQ was founded in 2018 by Tom Tirman, Andre Kalinowski, and Anatoly Ressin. The platform was fully operational by May 2020 and has since grown to support multiple blockchains. It is used extensively in blockchain development and enjoys significant user adoption, reflected in the deployment of numerous applications by its user base. The PRQ token was rolled out on Ethereum in 2019, contributing to the platform's ecosystem and market presence.
The PARSIQ price is $0.328465 AUD, representing a -12.66% from the day prior.
The best place to buy PARSIQ (PRQ) in Australia is right here! Coinstash is one of Australia's leading and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges. Built by investors, for investors - Coinstash offers a secure and user-friendly platform to buy and sell PARSIQ (PRQ) and over 1,000 other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy low fees, excellent customer support and access to an array of powerful trading tools and investing features.
The trading volume of PARSIQ (PRQ) is $3.7M AUD in the last 24hrs, representing a -12.66% from the day prior.
PARSIQ (PRQ) can be purchased on Coinstash with AUD or by trading other cryptocurrencies for it. Coinstash offers various AUD deposit methods including bank transfers, POLi and PayID.
The current market cap of PARSIQ (PRQ) is $94.8M AUD.
Yes - With Coinstash you can convert your PARSIQ (PRQ) to AUD instantly. You can also withdraw AUD to your Australian bank account instantly and for free with no withdrawal fees.
The current circulating supply of PARSIQ (PRQ) is 292.8M.
Yes - Coinstash is one of Australia's safest and most trusted platforms for buying and selling PARSIQ (PRQ) and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstash's industry-leading security practices provide the highest level of protection for your investments. Coinstash is licensed, compliant and AUSTRAC registered in Australia. You can learn more about our security practices.