XYO Network is a trustless cryptographic location network built on the blockchain that enables layered location verification across various devices and protocols. It facilitates and incentivises the aggregation, validation, and use of decentralised data through a decentralised network and digital assets.
The XYO Network operates through a system of interconnected components that include Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. Sentinels gather location data, Bridges relay this data to Archivists, which store it, and Diviners analyse the data to provide answers to queries. The network uses a blockchain called the XYOMainChain and employs a Proof of Origin consensus mechanism combined with Transient Key Chaining to ensure the integrity and trustworthiness of the location data.
Potential use cases for XYO Network span a wide range of industries. In e-commerce, it can facilitate pay-on-delivery systems and enhance supply chain management. Drone technology can benefit from precise location data sharing to avoid collisions. Smart cities can utilise it for efficient urban planning and management. Other applications include asset tracking in healthcare, vehicle tracking in transportation, and providing data sovereignty in various sectors.
The XYO Network was founded by XY Labs, a company established in 2012 initially focusing on consumer technology products. It emerged from the need to address location data vulnerabilities and capitalised on blockchain technology to create a decentralised location verification system. Key milestones include a token sale in 2018, the development of partnerships with industry leaders, and the launch of the COIN app that enables users to earn tokens by contributing location data. The network continues to evolve, focusing on broadening its applications and market presence.
The XYO Network price is $0.02534343 AUD, representing a -5.36% from the day prior.
The best place to buy XYO Network (XYO) in Australia is right here! Coinstash is one of Australia's leading and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges. Built by investors, for investors - Coinstash offers a secure and user-friendly platform to buy and sell XYO Network (XYO) and over 1,000 other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy low fees, excellent customer support and access to an array of powerful trading tools and investing features.
The trading volume of XYO Network (XYO) is $8.4M AUD in the last 24hrs, representing a -5.36% from the day prior.
XYO Network (XYO) can be purchased on Coinstash with AUD or by trading other cryptocurrencies for it. Coinstash offers various AUD deposit methods including bank transfers, POLi and PayID.
The current market cap of XYO Network (XYO) is $348.5M AUD.
Yes - With Coinstash you can convert your XYO Network (XYO) to AUD instantly. You can also withdraw AUD to your Australian bank account instantly and for free with no withdrawal fees.
The current circulating supply of XYO Network (XYO) is 13.9B.
Yes - Coinstash is one of Australia's safest and most trusted platforms for buying and selling XYO Network (XYO) and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstash's industry-leading security practices provide the highest level of protection for your investments. Coinstash is licensed, compliant and AUSTRAC registered in Australia. You can learn more about our security practices.